Start » Exercises » Engineering Mechanics II » Compression of an elastic body

Compression of an elastic body

In this exercise the compression of an elastic body under different external constraints is considered.


An elastic body is embedded in a rigid die without clearance and without friction. The body is loaded with the force F via a rigid plunger.

Given parameters:

Dimensions a, b, c, Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio ν, strain θz

To be determined:

a) Compression force F to compress the body in the z-direction by θz.

b) Pressure on the surfaces of the die.

c) Change of the contour length under the force F when the die is removed.

d) Compression force F * with a compression by θz without a die.

Compression of an elastic body
Compression of an elastic body


Hooke's law is:

\[ \tag{1} \epsilon_x = \frac{1}{E} \left[ \sigma_x - \nu \left( \sigma_y + \sigma_z \right) \right] \]

\[ \tag{2} \epsilon_y = \frac{1}{E} \left[ \sigma_y - \nu \left( \sigma_x + \sigma_z \right) \right] \]

\[ \tag{3} \epsilon_z = \frac{1}{E} \left[ \sigma_z - \nu \left( \sigma_x + \sigma_y \right) \right] \]

reg. a)

The strains in direction x and y are Zero.

\[ \tag{4} \epsilon_x = 0 \]

\[ \tag{5} \epsilon_y = 0 \]

The strain in z-direction is

\[ \tag{5} \epsilon_z = - \frac{\theta_z}{c} \]

The tension in z-direction is

\[ \tag{6} \sigma_z = -\frac{F}{ab} \]

With this Hooke's law leads to

\[ \tag{7} F = \frac{\theta_z a b E}{c \left( 1 - \frac{2 \nu^2}{1-\nu} \right)} \]

reg. b)

The pressure at the surfaces of the die is

\[ \tag{8} \sigma_x = \sigma_y = -\frac{F \nu}{ab \left( 1 - \nu \right)} \]

reg. c)

When the die is removed, the tensions are

\[ \tag{9} \sigma_x = 0 \]

\[ \tag{10} \sigma_y = 0 \]

\[ \tag{11} \sigma_z = -\frac{F}{ab} \]

from which the following changes in the contour lengths result

\[ \tag{12} \Delta b = \epsilon_x b = \frac{\nu F}{Ea} \]

\[ \tag{13} \Delta a = \epsilon_y a = \frac{\nu F}{Eb} \]

\[ \tag{14} \Delta c = \epsilon_z c = -\frac{F c}{abE} \]

reg. d)

The stresses σx and σy are zero. The strain is

\[ \tag{15} \epsilon_z = -\frac{\theta_z}{c} = \frac{\sigma_z}{E} = - \frac{F^*}{abE} \]

\[ \tag{16} F^* = \frac{\theta_z E a b}{c} \]