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Mohr's first circle, uniaxial stress

How do you draw a Mohr's circle of stress? With our online generator!

The following online generator can be used to generate or "draw" the first circle according to MOHR for the uniaxial stress state. Enter the principal stress and the angle of the cutting plane. The representation of the stress circle is scaled, i.e. the diameter always appears the same. Valid values ​​for the inputs are both positive and negative tensions and positive angles in the range from 0 to 45 °.



Did the generation of the circle of Mohr not work? Below are two examples of how it should look.

The following example was created with a principal stress of 100 N / mm² and an angle of 20 °:

Mohr stress circle for 100 N / mm² and 20 ° cutting angle
Mohr stress circle for 100 N / mm² and 20 ° cutting angle

In contrast to this, the Mohr's circle of stress is on the other side of the vertical axis when the principal stress is negative.

Mohr stress circle for -100 N / mm² and 35 ° cutting angle
Mohr stress circle for -100 N / mm² and 35 ° cutting angle

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