Start » Exercises » Engineering Mechanics I » Center of gravity, combined bodies

Center of gravity, combined bodies


The center of gravity has to be calculated for the body shown. The body consists of two individual bodies of different materials.

Given values:

a = 30 mm, b = 25 mm, c = 60 mm, d = 30 mm, e = 50 mm

Body 1 consists of steel with a density of ρ = 7.850 kg/m³,

Body 2 is made of aluminium with a density of ρ = 2.660 kg/m³.

Composite body with different materials
Composite body with different materials

A note on the direction of projection: a circle with a center point indicates a coordinate axis that points at the viewer. A circle with a cross is a coordinate axis that points away from the viewer.


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The equation for calculating the center of gravity coordinate is, noted here as an example for x S :

\[ \tag{1} x_S = \frac{\sum \rho_i \cdot V_i \cdot x_i}{\sum \rho_i \cdot V_i} \]

The values ​​of the individual bodies are recorded in a table

\[ i \]\[ V_i \]\[ x_i \]\[ y_i \]\[ z_i \]\[ \rho_i \]\[ \rho_i \cdot V_i \]\[ \rho_i \cdot V_i \cdot x_i \]\[ \rho_i \cdot V_i \cdot y_i \]\[ \rho_i \cdot V_i \cdot z_i \]
\[ {mm}^3 \]\[ mm \]\[ mm \]\[ mm \]\[ 10^{-6}kg/{mm}^3 \]\[ kg \]\[ kgmm \]\[ kgmm \]\[ kgmm \]
\[ \sum \]0,624-3,865-7,3570

This results in the following center of gravity coordinates:

\[ \tag{2} x_S = \frac{-3.865 kg\,mm}{0.624kg} = -6.2\,mm \]

\[ \tag{3} y_S = \frac{-7.357 kg\,mm}{0.624kg} = -11.8\,mm \]

\[ \tag{4} z_S = \frac{0 kg\,mm}{0.624kg} = 0\,mm \]

So the center of gravity of the combined body is determined.